Monday, August 31, 2009

Pursuit of Preparedness

A year’s supply of food storage is beneficial in several ways:
1. It provides peace of mind as we obey the counsel to store.
2. It helps ensure survival in case of personal or natural disaster.
3. It strengthens skills in preparing and using basic foods.
“Home Storage: Build on the Basics,” Ensign, Jun 1989, 39

This weeks item is:
Chocolate chips

Monday, August 24, 2009

Relief Society Activities for the Week of Aug. 24th - 28th

Just a reminder of the following activities:

Gardening Club, Tuesday, August 25th @ 7 PM Ann Harris' Home 2515 Casey Drive
We will be discussing various African Plants

Young Women Book of Mormon Dinner, Wednesday, August 26th @ 7 PM Tropicana Chapel
Come enjoy some scrumptious food with the Young Women to celebrate our goal in reading and finishing the Book of Mormon this Summer! Even if you did not participate in this goal we still want you to attend!

Pursuit of Preparedness

"I the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." -D&C 82:10

This weeks item is
spaghetti Sauce

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Women In Our Lives

I came across this video this evening. What a great prophet. The truth he speaks inspires me to strive to be my best.

Click here to watch video

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pursuit of Preparedness

President Gordon B. Hinckley, ". . . I am suggesting that the time has come to get our houses in order." October 1998

This weeks item is
Potato flakes or pearls

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pursuit of Preparedness

“Every father and mother are the family’s storekeepers. They should store whatever their own family would like to have in the case of an emergency. Most of us cannot afford to store a year’s supply of luxury items, but find it more practical to store staples that might keep us from starving in case of emergency. Surely we all hope that the hour of need will never come. Some have said, “We have followed this counsel in the past and have never had need to use our year’s supply, so we have difficulty keeping this in mind as a major priority.” Perhaps following this counsel could be the reason why they have not needed to use their reserve. By continued rotation of the supply it can be kept usable with no waste.”
James E. Faust, ‘The Responsibility for Welfare Rests with Me and My Family,’ Ensign, May 1986, 20

This weeks item is peanut butter.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pursuit of Preparedness

"Recent surveys of the Church members have shown a serious erosion in the number of families who have a year's supply of life's necessities. Most members plan to do it. Too few have begun." Elder Thomas S. Monson. Ensign , Sept. 1986, p.4.

This weeks item is carrots.